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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Book Whisperer- End of the Year Evaluations (My Thoughts and A FREEBIE)

I don't think there is not a moment that I have not enjoyed reading "The Book Whisperer" by Donalyn Miller.  Of course I took this part a little more seriously, because I had homework to do, LOL.  Here are my thoughts:

1.  I have never thought of using end of the year surveys for anything, let alone reading, because I really didn't think a first grader would be able to give me important feedback.  I know, SHAME ON ME!
2.  After reading Ms. Miller's thoughts about why she uses end of the year evaluations and how she uses them to gauge her teaching for the following year, I thought that I really could and should be doing this.
3. She tells us that these evaluations identify how her students have grown as readers and I think that this is one of our most important goals as a teacher.  It really isn't about anything more than knowing if they enjoy reading more now than they did at the beginning.  It even might mean they don't and this is something we should know about, as well.
4.  We won't be able to reach all of our babies, but reaching a few of them is reward enough, I have always felt this way.  What better way to know that we reached any of them at all, then by asking them!
5.  Evaluations can be simple or not, but we should be using them in order to make ourselves become better teachers and to help our future students become better readers.

I designed a simple evaluation that I feel first graders will be able to handle, with help from me, of course.  I think that this should be done in small groups with the teacher, so students can get the most out of the experience and teachers can get true and concise answers.  I hope you can use this, I know I will be using it this year and for many years to come.  Enjoy!

End of Year Reading Survey

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