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Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways.....

I posted this on my other blog and thought it is sort of teachery, you know, Harry Potter and all......

From the minute we met, I loved you like no other wizard before you!  You filled me up with your magic.
The Chamber of Secrets was akin to the chamber of my heart, filled with secrets of one day becoming a wizard just like you.

The prisoner of your every move is more like it (I mean me..).  Oh what I wouldn't do to have you rescue me.

Who wouldn't drink from a goblet of fire for you?  Of course, that's not quite what was meant, but the fire in my brain was quenched with this installment.

This quickly became my new favorite!  A whole team of secret wizards, oh be still my magical heart.  This was the first time I re-read immediately after finishing.

Half Blood? No, it couldn't be.  Your blood is filled with nothing but the love of James and Lilly Potter, so reading was a must to find out exactly who could possibly be the half-blood prince.  My addiction to all things Harry continued.

Dear Ms. Rowling, please don't let it be true?  Is this it?  Is this all I have to left of my wizardly love?  Tears stain the pages of this treasure on my shelf and I can't breathe.

I awoke after seeing you last night at 1:00 a.m and felt an emptiness in my chamber of secrets that the order of the phoenix will never secure for me again. Your last time on the big screen had me crying the minute it began, for this was the beginning of the end.  Then, I found this!  A question mark????  Could it be? Could there be just one more, two, infinity? I know, why prolong the pain, the hurt, the healing.... I will take another hit, gladly, for you. My wand is held high in homage to an era of literature that all ages may never see again or will we......


  1. I feel your pain, Janine. I am waiting until Sunday (hopefully) to see it. It is the first midnight showing that I have missed, just because I don't want it to end yet!

  2. I have my ticket for tonight! I'm excited to see the movie, but sad too. At least I have a couple years till Twilight is done!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  3. I'm glad someone out there is just as passionate as I am! I just finished re-reading the entire series of books and saw the last movie today. I'm keeping an eye out on PotterWatch J.K. Rowlings new website though!

  4. I am jealous that all of you are seeing the movie! I have girlfriends who want to WAIT (horrors!) until next week "for the crowds to die down" and I am trying VERY hard to be patient. But oh! It's so hard!
    First Class with Mrs. Mac


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