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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Making Sense of Go Math

This is a lengthy post, but if you read it all the way through, I will tell you how to get a copy of the file!

I know it took me a while, but I finally finished the notes from the workshop I went to on the Go Math series for Florida.  This is from a K-2 workshop, so most of what I have here applies to those grade levels.  I am sure some of it can help those in the upper grades too.  The workshop was given by an author of the series and she did explain to us that so much of what they wanted in the product was left out by the publisher.  She did make a point to say that there are more problems than needed for each chapter, so we do not have to feel obligated to use every single problem.  Once our students get it, move on.  This series was made to be used with a math center teaching model, sort of like reading groups, but in math.  I suggest using so many of the wonderful ideas that have been shared in blogland and aligning them with the Go Math chapters in order to have your centers correspond with what you are teaching.  I have been doing that, it will take you a long time, but it is worth it.  I am not an expert at all, but I felt that it was important for everyone to understand the premise behind the series.

Just leave a comment telling me how you use Go Math or your math series, along with your email and I will get the file to you.

Thanks for following!


  1. Thank you so, so much! What a fabulous resource. I have been struggling with Go Math and this helps so much!

    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  2. We used Go Math this past school year and it is very different from what "everyone was use to" but I had just returned from 3 years in Texas and it basically was a well put together program, all in one book, of how my district in Texas taught, but they had used many resources. So I was very comfortable with the layout & my district gives us 1 1/2 hours a day for Math.
    My 3rd graders, in a Title 1 school, had Math FCAT scores above and beyond the past scores. Go Math works, stick with it!!
    Dr. Dixon did our Math Inservice the first week of this summer & she know's her stuff! Also, my class is going to write to her {as a class letter} when we write during our author studies, because she is the 'author' of our Math Book! :)
    Thanks for your notes!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!

  3. Can you tell me more about the workshop so that I can share it wih the math cooridnator in our district? Do you know the name of the workshop and who put it on? Thank you so much for sharing your notes.

  4. Melinda,
    It was put on by our district, Miami Dade. I guess your district PD coordinator could get in touch with ours and find out how to get in touch with Dr. Dixon. It was a 2 day workshop for K-2 and then another 2 days for 3-5. There was so much more information, but it wouldn't translate well into what I was putting together. I hope you are able to get it for your district. Good Luck!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this! I will be teaching 2nd in FL and plan on using centers as suggested :)



  6. I am so thankful for the love! When a document is posted, I never know how it will be received. It is hard putting yourself out there, but the love I receive from my fellow bloggers is amazing!

  7. Hi Janine Could you share the info you learned at the workshop? I dont see it here...I also work in Miami Dade and would love to get more insight as to what you learned.


    1. Kaiian,

      Please send me your email address and I will send the file to you. Thanks!


  8. This is my first year in first grade! I have previously taught 6th grade ELA for the past 7 years, so first grade plus MATH has really been a change for me! Any help I can get with the GO MATH would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Thank you!!

  9. Please share. I teach 2nd grade in NJ. It is our first year with GO MATH and it is way different than Everyday Math. I like it so far I just want to make sure I am getting the most out of it. I hate how the Curious George skill lesson numbers are not mentioned on the chapter openers. My email is jbukowki@lindenwold.k12.nj.us

  10. jbukowski@lindenwold.k12.nj.us typo above

  11. Please share. I teach 2nd grade in NJ. It is our first year with GO MATH and it is way different than Everyday Math. I like it so far I just want to make sure I am getting the most out of it. I hate how the Curious George skill lesson numbers are not mentioned on the chapter openers. My email is jbukowki@lindenwold.k12.nj.us

  12. Janine,
    If it is still available, I would love to have a copy of your filed for GoMath! This is my first year using GoMath and so far struggling to make it flow from one concept to another. The old math program I taught had more of a spiral effect. I would love to have any tips and tricks to help implement GoMath. Thanks stuvell@egusd.net

  13. I would also love a copy if it is still available. We are looking at Go Math because it is Common Core alligned and would love any feedback.

  14. I too would love to have a copy your file for Go Math. I teach 2nd grade and this is our first year using Go Math in my school. I am finding it very difficult to learn since we received just a one day training and then school started the following day! I take my TM home most nights to read and study which helps but it makes for very long days! Any insight you could share would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

  15. We will be adopting go math this following year. I would love any help that I can get. Thank you. Mrs.candland@gmail.com

  16. We are currently making decisions about what math program to use next year. We are currently using EnVisions, but NYC is now recommending GoMath instead. I would love to see your file as I am not sure that we will receive intense training. Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from you. CEng2@schools.nyc.gov

  17. We have really struggled with Go Math. This is our first year to use the series and did not receive any training. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ramona.kephart@lcsk12.org

  18. This is our first year using Go Math. In the beginning we struggled, but now we are loving it and can tell a difference in our students data. It was hard to go right into addition at the beginning of the year, so next year we will begin with a number study of the numbers 1-10 and then go into addition. I would love to see your notes! Thanks for sharing!


  19. We are getting a new Math series and its Go Math! Going from Envisions to Go Math! I'd love any help you can provide.
    My email: NBLovely7@gmail.com
    -Lovely Nina

  20. I would love any help you could provide for GO Math. Our school is looking to adopt the curriculum next year. megdempsey@hotmail.com

  21. HI! I'm going in to my 1st year of teaching and the district I am looking to work in is adopting Go Math! Any advice or suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks duvalk at gmail.com

  22. If you still have a copy available, I'd love it. Our school is looking into adopting Go Math.




  23. I would also like a copy.



  24. I would love to see a copy of this! Thanks so much for everything-


  25. I would love to see a copy of this! Thanks so much for everything-


  26. Hi, what do you think of GO! Math? I have to pick whether I would rather teach GO! Math versus Everyday Math, and I picked GO Math! because I like mastery over spiral. I would love to know what a real teacher thinks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I would love a copy. thanks so much!

  28. Our math series needs so much help. Your resource will help me with my math centers as our District makes our way to CC. Thank you so much!

  29. I would love to have a copy of your file. Our system is currently working on changes with both scheduling and the possibility of a shift in our math series. I'm sure your file will prove to be very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  30. I would also love to see a copy of your file. Our district has been using Investigations but is thinking of switching to GO math... so, any help would be greatly appreciated!



  31. I would love a copy. The district just adopted Go Math for the next school year and I am trying to get as much information possible.



  32. Hi there,

    I know I am a little behind when it comes to commenting on your blog post, but I am going to be piloting GOMATH next year and I am trying to get as much information as I can regarding how to use it successfully in the classroom. I having a difficult time figuring out out to put math stations together. We have Everyday Math right now, and we are ommitting things and supplimenting other things. It is confusing to me, and I am ready to figure this craziness out.

    Help! :)

    Camille Fargo

  33. Hello! I would love to read more about how you use Go Math! We currently write our own curriculum and will start using Go Math in the fall. Thanks!


  34. I would love a copy. We adopted Go Math this year and received no training. Thanks for sharing your insights.


  35. Hello, my school is deciding on a new math program and Go Math is one of our top choices. I would love a copy of your file. kmartz@csdo.org.

  36. Hello, my school is deciding on a new math program and Go Math is one of our top choices. I would love a copy of your file. kmartz@csdo.org.

  37. Hello, my school is deciding on a new math program and Go Math is one of our top choices. I would love a copy of your file. kmartz@csdo.org.

  38. This past year was our first with Go Math and I was not impressed. Think Central is a nightmare to get around and try to print from! I abandoned the color workbook altogether and went to the practice book alone. I used the TE for the lessons (I do guided math groups). I am looking for some resources and if anyone is changing up the order they introduce the chapters! I believe I'll start with the geometry chapters - shapes are very easy for new firsties to manage!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I am going to be piloting Go Math in my district and would love any info you can share that would make that easier for me!! I am excited about the change and looking forward to teaching Go Math in 2nd grade.


  40. I am starting go math this fall. I would greatly appreciate some support!

  41. I am starting go math this fall. I would greatly appreciate some support!

  42. Hi! I would love to see your file for Go Math! I taught it in first grade last year, but I am moving up to second grade this year! elhall@dothan.k12.al.us

    Thanks so much and God Bless,


  43. Hi! I too would love to see your file for Go Math. I teach third grade in NJ and would really like to move from whole group to small group instruction. There are just too many levels of students in my class for whole group to be effective. Thanks so much!


  44. Go Math can be challenging! I find some of my parents have a hard time helping with homework because it's so different. I like that it teaches in depth, but I found that it doesn't have enough spiral review. This led me to start my first TPT project. I have developed two 6 problem review sheets for every lesson in chapters 1 and 2. I plan on using side A for a quick review before I introduce the day's lesson and side B for homework. This way the parents can refer to side A if they do not understand it. (Side A and B have the same type of problems.)

    I have chapter 3 almost finished. I plan on doing all the chapters, but would love someone's feedback before I continue. If anyone is interested in giving me feedback, you can preview it at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Donna-Walker-8

  45. And I would love to see your file!

  46. Our district just adopted Go Math and I attended a workshop about it today. Would love your file! Please send to cja1st@gmail.com
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  47. Hi! I have been teaching for fifteen years, but will be teaching Go Math in the fall for the first time. I would really appreciate receiving the file and any advice or suggestions you have!
    Tara Frank

  48. Hi Janine,

    Our K-4 elementary school is beginning Go Math in September. Last year, fourth grade piloted Go Math. I was using Common Core materials that I pulled from anywhere and everywhere last year. Overall my students did well with Common Core math. I would appreciate your file and any tips that you feel would be helpful as we implement Go Math in first grade.

    Sue Wolf

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I will be using GO MATH! for the first time in a few days.
    Please share with me your file.
    Thanks for sharing. I am sure you are a great teacher.

  51. We are using this series starting in a couple of weeks. I am interested in your file....I am just trying to get as much information as possible as we are not receiving training on the series. ma_hartfield@yahoo.com

  52. I would love to see the file. I am using Go Math in first grade this year and am overwhelmed! thanks.


  53. I would love to see the file. I am using Go Math in first grade this year and am overwhelmed! thanks.


  54. You just started this program and only had a 2 hour presentation from a representative from the company. It was good,, but not enough! any suggestions would be nice. Thank you!!!!!

  55. Would be nice to send you my email....... amyis cooking again14@gmail.com

  56. I would love to have a copy of your Go Math resource. We are starting the program this year and I am still searching for information to help me understand how Go Math is going to work! I teach first and second grade. THANKS!


  57. I would love to have a copy of your Go Math resource. We are starting the program this year and I am still searching for information to help me understand how Go Math is going to work! I teach first and second grade. THANKS!


  58. I would love to have a copy of your Go Math resource. We are starting the program this year and I am still searching for information to help me understand how Go Math is going to work! I teach first and second grade. THANKS!


  59. Our district is piloting 2 new math programs this year with little training. I have received my limited teacher books that they purchased but haven't found it very beneficial to plan my lessons. I would very much appreciate a copy of your Go Math resource:)

  60. Our district adopted Go Math this year and I am trying to make sense of it all. Any information that you could share would be very helpful! Thank you!

  61. My district has adopted the Go Math program and have held two professional development opportunities so far, but I still believe that there is more to the program that they have introduced. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

  62. My district just adopted Go Math. We just started it. I would love to see your notes. Anything would be appreciated. sharonploesser@gmail.com

  63. We had one professional development day so far, but I would love to dig deeper into this program. Thanks for the information!

  64. Hi--my school has adopted Go Math! for this school year. We are struggling. If I could have a copy of your notes--I would appreciate it so much.

  65. Hi--my school has adopted Go Math! for this school year. We are struggling. If I could have a copy of your notes--I would appreciate it so much.

  66. I would love to have a copy of your notes...I am teaching Go Math this year. Thank you!

  67. Hey! I am using Go Math in 5th grade but I would still love your notes on the series. My email is bullards@sylacauga.k12.al.us

    Thank you!!

  68. I would love to have some information about GO math. we are using it this year.

  69. Hi, I would love to have your notes on Go Math. I teach Go Math Common Core in FL and have taught it for the last several years. Thank you for anything you can send me from your planning. thewindmin@gmail.com

  70. we recently transitioned to Go Math this year and I would love your file to help us along :)

  71. First year with Go Math! Any advice or suggestions would help. Thanks!

  72. I would love the file. KaptainCathy@gmail.com

  73. We just started using GoMath this year and I'd love to see your notes. Any help I can get! :) larissa (at) theoryfarm.com - remove spaces for email address. Thanks!!!

  74. We just started using GoMath this year and I'd love to see your notes. Any help I can get! :) larissa (at) theoryfarm.com - remove spaces for email address. Thanks!!!

  75. We just started Go Math this year and it would be wonderful to see your file! megan.magliocca@yahoo.com :) Thanks so much!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. We are having such a hard time with the flow of the lessons and the amount of time each lesson takes. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. We are starting to use it this year. I would love anything that can help learn how to implement the program. email dretig@yahoo.com

  82. We are starting to use it this year. I would love anything that can help learn how to implement the program. email dretig@yahoo.com

  83. We are starting Go Math this year and I am so overwhelmed! Your notes would be so appreciated! Thanks c.mcclean(at)gmail.com

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. We just started using GoMath in our school this year and many of us are feeling overwhelmed. This sounds like a great resource. Please send!


  86. We just started using GoMath in our school this year and many of us are feeling overwhelmed. This sounds like a great resource. Please send!


  87. Hi! I'm a new math coach and NYC just implemented Go Math in a lot of schools and we are struggling! Please send me the file! Any additional info would help us greatly! Email is MathRocks@gmail.com. Thanks a million!

  88. Hi! I'm a new math coach and NYC just implemented Go Math in a lot of schools and we are struggling! Please send me the file! Any additional info would help us greatly! Email is MathRocks@gmail.com. Thanks a million!

  89. I would love a copy of the workshop - this is our second year of using GoMath and I was looking online for chapter 2 helps and found this site. Chapter 2 was a killer for my kids last year and we spent nearly 2 hours on the section we are on today. It would have been so easy to just do it together and move on but I needed to make sure they really got it because they will have similar questions on their spiral reviews and of course on the test. Any ideas for making the subtraction bar model easier for students? My e-mail is kstoppel@gmail.com thanks!

  90. I hope this is still available, I need help explaining to parents. my email is carolineCblair@yahoo.com and I teach 1st grade.

  91. I hope this is still available, I need help explaining to parents. my email is carolineCblair@yahoo.com and I teach 1st grade.

    1. I'm sorry I forgot to include my email.

  92. Hello,
    I would like any information you can provide so I can help my students.

  93. Hi! I'm a mom trying to make sense of Go Math. My son is in first grade, and so far I do not like this curriculum. Would your notes be helpful to me? I would love to have a better attitude while I'm helping him with his homework, instead of constantly thinking to myself, "This is ridiculous!" My son doesn't seem frustrated by it like I am, but I don't think he's actually understanding it, either. I worry that this program is not giving a good math foundation, but it takes so much time that it's a struggle for me to supplement with the basics without making him spend a crazy amount of time on math. If you think your notes might be helpful to parents, I would love to see them. mlemiller@gmail.com

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. I am Math Coach in my district and my teachers are struggling to find the time for small group work. I would truly appreciate any information you are willing to share :) pikesuzane@gmail.com

  96. Hi can you email me the document as well? I'm using Go Math! for the first time. Thanks sirius1183@aol.com

  97. Would you be willing to share your notes with me? Thanks! nelsonjodee@gmail.com

  98. This is my first year teaching Go math and would love the file. It would really help.

  99. Hi,
    This is my first year using Go Math. I would love to have your file of notes.
    Thank you! jblanda@transfigurationmn.org

  100. Wow, I like many others would love your file of notes for Go Math. I am worried about how it is going to work and we are using it next year. I would like to have it ready and organized because I have a large and difficult class next year and will not have the time then. Thank you so much for any insights you may have. sandy.mcelhinney@mscsd.org

  101. We are begininning Go Math next year after too many years with Everyday Math. I'd love some insight! Please share if you are willing!


  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  104. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  105. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  106. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  107. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  108. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  109. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  110. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  111. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  112. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  113. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  114. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  115. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  116. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  117. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  118. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  119. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  120. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  121. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  122. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  123. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  124. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  125. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  126. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  127. We just learned that we are going to be using Go Math next year. We just finished using EngagedNY and Envision. I would love to get more information about Go Math.


  128. Our school will be using Go Math and would love to have your file.

  129. My district adopted the Texas Go Math! this past spring. My team and I have been exploring it but will be using it in full force in August. Would love to see your notes!

  130. Hello, I would like a copy of the notes and be able to talk to you about Go Math!


  131. I would love a copy.Our school is adopting Go Math this year. teachermisa03@msn.com

  132. If you are still sharing your file I am a first grade teacher and would love a copy. Our campus will be using Go Math Texas for the first time. wcooper@vanalstyneisd.org
    Thank you!

  133. I will be using Go Math for the first time this year. I would love a copy of your file if still available.

  134. We are in our third year of GO MATH.(California) I would love a copy of your file if it is still available. Thanks! kmjemmings@gmail.com

  135. I would love a copy of your Go Math file. We are just starting and we have so many questions. Thanks! lmsmith@svsvu.org

  136. I would appreciate a copy of your Go Math file. We are using this program and would like extra support. Thank! tfrolli@vusd.org

  137. We just started Go Math and need all the help we can get. Thanks!

  138. Please send go math file to sfischer@moore.k12.mt.us. Thanks!

  139. Please send me a copy. My email is mkritchey2@gmail.com
    I am having a hard time taking grades on Go Math. Any suggestions? We are required to take 2 grades a week.

  140. Hi, this is my first year teaching go math for first grade. Please send me a copy. thanks-kin

  141. This is my first year using Go Math. Please send me a copy. Thank you.

  142. First yr with Go Math in 3rd grade!! Help!!

    1. Go here to get the PowerPoint:


  143. I would love a copy! Go math is very new. Thanks

  144. We are using GoMath this year, your file and any other tips would be appreciated. Thanks cessnap@gmail.com

  145. It is my first time teaching go math ...I need help

  146. It is my first time teaching go math ...I need help


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