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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Clip Art Commotion

I am sure by now many of you have heard that DJ Inkers has changed their usage policy and bloggers all around us are scrambling to remove freebies and/or sale items from their blogs and teacher stores.  I only had a few things up on my blog, TpT, Scribd, and Teacher's Notebook and I have now removed them.  Unfortunately, this included the Houghton Mifflin Focus Walls and I know many of you have been waiting for Themes 7-10.  I am hoping that you will be able to use what you have as a guide to make your own.  
I began blogging for the fun of it and to get in touch with others out there who feel passionate about teaching just like me, but what I found was so much more! I am saddened that this new policy will spread to the other clip art moguls out there and the creative spark will be extinguished.  Don't let this get you down faithful friends!  Smile and move on, there are better things around the corner and new year is so close, I can taste it!


  1. I am sorry! I had to take lots down too! :-( I am sad and mad at the same time. I wish they would just offer a license!

    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  2. Just a little word of thanks - these mini focus walls have been tremendously helpful for me and my first grade team this year!!! I am in my 7th yr of teaching, but my first year in 1st, and they have given me a great sense of organization and purpose as I go about my planning. We use the same Houghton Mifflin series, so they have been absolutely perfect for me! We will probably work as a team to complete units 7-10, but I was wondering where you were able to locate the images of the books from each theme? Feel free to shoot me an email if you can offer some words of wisdom at. Kelieduggins@comcast.net

    Thanks again for sharing these little gems!


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