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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Best Birthday Ever

Just a quick post to say that I had a great birthday!  I was on a business trip and got to have a pre-birthday dinner with my college girl last night (lucky me, the trip was to Orlando!) and then after my long drive home, alone, I came home to this:

High School girl made it for me and it pretty much is one of the best birthday surprises ever.  She hasn't made me anything like this since she was in elementary girl (thank goodness I never got rid of our craft/project closet, lol).  Hubby gave me 2 new Pandora charms, so the day was very good.  I loved being away by myself, but I loved coming home.

Teachery posts to resume this weekend!


  1. What a sweet surprise! Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! Charm bracelets are the best!

    (PS: How did you center the Amazon widget?!)


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