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Sunday, July 8, 2012

400, I Finally Made It!!!! (Giveaway is Coming)

My day has been made, I finally reached 400!  I haven't been into the whole number thing, but when you see you are 5 away, your heart starts to beat a little faster.  So now, I can relax for a while...

You will want to watch this blog because I have a giveaway coming that you won't believe!  Let me just drop some names....

Jessica from Mrs. Stanford's Class

Mechele from Barrow's Hodgepodge

Michelle from Fabulous in First

Tanja from Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Deedee from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

Michele from Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera

Stephanie, Stephany, and Kathi from Primary Possibilities

Kristen from Ladybug's Teaching Resources

Mrs. Coe from Little Miss Kindergarten and Little Miss Hypothesis

That's it for now, but on Thursday, let's see who the final participants are and how many prizes you can win!!!  I am jumping for joy over here, I can't wait to post the giveaway!!!!


  1. Congrats on 400 followers!! That's awesome! I can't wait to hear about everything on Thursday! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. You aren't going to believe it! I can't believe what is going to be given away, I wish I could enter!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Look for the giveaway on Thursday, you will be amazed!

  3. I am getting excited!

    Delighted in Second
    Hope you will join my $20 TPT gift certificate giveaway!

    1. Thanks Jennifer, I am going to enter yours right now. You are going to be more than excited, you are going to freak, I know I am!!

  4. WOW!! Congrats!! I know that is a great feeling!! I am just starting out so I hope to reach that mark one day! Can't wait for the giveaway!!
    Ms Jones Junction

    1. I never thought I would reach that number, it did take forever, but that's ok. The giveaway is going to be a blowout, so keep checking! Thanks for following!

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog giveaway!! I need your email address : )

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher

  6. CONGRATULATIONS, that is so awesome. I'm looking forward to your giveaway. Thanks again for participating in the Florida's 15. . .you rock!!!!
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

    1. Thanks Stacy! You are so welcome, us Florida gals need to stick together!


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