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Saturday, September 8, 2012

iCPALMS: A Standards Based Resource for Everyone

Over the summer I had the opportunity to become a resource reviewer for CPALMS, a website for teachers in Florida (or anyone who wants FREE standards based lessons and activities).  I am proud to say that I was part of a team of teachers who re-aligned math resources to the Common Core State Standards and reviewed resources for Science and Reading.  I was then chosen to attend a 5 day retreat, where we continued to review resources to help CPALMS reach their deadline for funding.  We were able to help CPALMS and now you and the internet at large have the opportunity to enjoy the new iCPALMS!  This resource will add to your teaching and help you with the change in standards for years to come.  This site is standards based and will help you find resources that you can use.  It is made by teachers for teachers, so the resources are submitted by people just like us who have used these lessons in their classrooms.  Once a team of reviewers and experts have gone through the lessons, they are then released to the public on the website.  So you can be assured that all resources are tested and reviewed prior to going "live".  

Here are a few things that iCPALMS has to offer (the screen shots are a bit blurry, sorry):

To check it out for yourself and to sign up, head on over to www.cpalms.org.  Once there, you will be able to click on the iCPALMS intro tab and watch a video that shows you why this is such an important tool for you to enhance your teaching.  The fact that it is customizable and works with APPS (just like all of our favorite toys) is what makes this user friendly.  You have to play with it in order to get it to where you want it to be, so just be patient.  

I would love for you to come back and leave a comment once you check it out and let me know what you think, good and bad.  The team at CPALMS wants this to be something that everyone uses, so comments are encouraged.


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