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Saturday, April 5, 2014


I am using Windows Live Writer after reading the post from Smedley’s Smorgasbord.  I figured I would try it out because I want to use my own font for posting.  Fingers Crossed and thanks Greg!

It is that time again!  I can hardly believe how quickly the time is slipping through my fingers.  I am away this weekend at a training for my big PD this summer (more on that in an upcoming post), so I figured I have time on my hands to get my currently up.  Here goes:
april currently.jpg
Listening:  I am on Season 2 and I am still not sure if I like what I am watching, but I am committed to finish. 

Loving:  I am in Tallahassee for training and I cannot wait to see my hubby and my little miss.  Yesterday was my 27th anniversary and I spent it with some of my little miss’ friends who are here at FSU.  They are like my own kids, so we had fun!  They even gave me an anniversary card and Cadbury Eggs (yum!!!). 

Thinking:  Training ended at 3, it is now 5:30 and I am still in my work clothes on the bed in the hotel.  I should get out and see the sights, but I really don’t feel like it.

Wanting:  I am hungry (I ate the 2 Cadbury Eggs), so I am going to have to go to the hotel lobby and get some food.  No room service…
Needing:  I have been scared of sleeping here the past 2 nights and tonight will not be any different.  I had to take Tylenol PM to get to sleep.  I just need to get through tonight.

Hours and Last Day:  I get up at 5:45 to get ready for work.  I would love to say I workout, but I really just dilly dally and then need to book it so I am not late.  I get to work by 7:30 so I can be prepared for the day.  June 6th cannot come fast enough….44 days people!

Click below so you can tell us what is currently going on in your life:


  1. It's interesting to see all the different times the kids are at school (I swear teachers are 24/7 aren't we?).
    My kids go from 7:50-3:20....we had to extend the day this year with all the missed snow :( It used to be 7:55-3:05

    I found you thru Farley - be sure to check out my blog as well! Love finding new blogs and would love to hear more about Windows Live Writer! I always have to choose the largest font on my blog or else it's tiny writing :(

    :) Chrissy
    Adventures In Second Grade

    1. Chrissy,
      Thanks for visiting! Those snow days really changed things up for everyone this year. I think the post I wrote using Live Writer looks good, I just have to figure out how to include my signature. You should try it out. I didn't post directly from it though, I posted it as a draft so I can see it before it posted. It worked! I am loving your blog!

  2. Wow those are short school hours for your kids. How do you get anything done?
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

    1. Shawna,
      It is very hard to get anything done! We no longer have separate times for music and art in our schedules, so we now integrate it into everything else and we don't give a grade for either subject. I have science 3 days and ss 2 days (40 minutes each day). Math is an hour, Reading/LA 90 minutes and writing 30 minutes. PE is 30 minutes everyday. So it works, but I have to make some magic happen. How long is your school day?

  3. Wow! Your students' hours really are short! My kids are there from 8:55-3:45. We do have 50 minutes each day for specials. I love your blog design! Happy Anniversary!
    Curriculum and Crayons

  4. Ha ha sometimes I miss that MDCPS schedule for k/1. It took a while to get used to having kids until 3:40pm. Though I do enjoy not having kids until 9:00am.
    Ms. K/1 ELL

  5. Love your blog! My students stay until 3:00 pm, and I still feel there aren't enough hours in the day. I couldn't imagine having a shorter day. I better stop complaining about not having enough time!
    :) Colleen
    Totally Terrific in Texas


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