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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lesson Plans

I thought I would share my lesson plan format with all of you.  I am so anal about my plans, as you will notice by the detail.  My plans have a place for Sunshine State Standards because we have to include them here in Florida, so you can change it to your needs as you see fit.  I have one template for Reading and Language Arts and another for Math, Science, SS, and Special Areas. Let me know what you think!

And..... this is my first time embedding a document, I think I actually figured this out!!!!
Reading LA Lesson Plan Template

Content Plans Template

1 comment:

  1. Oh I remember having to include the SSS in my lesson plans. I am happy that I no longer have to do that.

    Funny I was just planning my post for my lesson plans tonight too.

    Ms. M


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