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Saturday, July 7, 2012

An Award for Me

I want to thank Kimberlee over at Teacher Takers for awarding me The Versatile Blogger Award.  Here is her cute button, so click it (after you read my post) and visit her, tell her I sent you.

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.  (check)
2.. Include a link to their site.                       (button, check)
3. Include the award image in your post.     (see below, check)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. .       (also below, check)

I am breaking the next 3 rules (I know, I am a rebel).  I have received this award, but please don't let that stop you from giving me another one, Kimberlee made my day when she sent me the email!  Like Kimberlee already said, I think pretty much every blogger (except you, who is now saying "I didn't get it, why didn't you give it to me?") has received it at some point.  I promise you that you will receive it if you are a new blogger, just be patient.

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. 
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

My 7 random facts:

1.  I am obsessed with pink, I mean obsessed, an unhealthy, life-sucking obsession...

2. I think I am still a teenager, so I read books meant for high schoolers.  I love them!d

3. I think I wouldn't mind being bitten by a vampire (Mr. Somerholder, did you hear that?)

4. I really thought I would end up on Broadway, but the stars just didn't align correctly.  So now my students are my captive audience, just ask them, they have no choice but to listen to my rendition of Rent for first graders.

5. I hate the outdoors, unless there is a pool involved.

6. I can't draw. anything. at. all.

7. My daughter called me "the cool mom" at the One Direction concert last week.  I heard her talking to the girls behind us in line, I smiled and knew then that my life was complete. 

(unless Mr. Somerholder needs me to perform as his leading lady in the Broadway debut of "Pink Obsessed Mom, Who Doesn't Draw Outside,  Reads To a Vampire")

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